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Dental Tools in Pocket



You have chosen the right place to care for your teeth

Each of our patients are eligible for personalized service. Schedule yours today, and our friendly and experienced staff will make sure you always feel comfortable and well-informed. You’ll leave our clinic confident that your health is in the best of hands.

On occasion, treatment can be done on your first (or 6 months preventive exam) visit. If your needs are more complex you will require additional visits. If you have pain, or an emergency, we will do our very best to see you the same day.

Services: Our Services


Whether you’re first visit or a recurring 6,  9 or 12 month exam; it will be comprehensive, to make certain that your whole mouth: teeth, gums and bone are healthy, functional and looking great. We look carefully to catch early signs of dental disease: decay, gingivitis/periodontitis and  oral cancer. We take a preventive approach and encourage you to be proactive in your care. It is the best way to avoid and/or minimize problems; to help to improve and maintain your oral-dental health; and to help you to have the smile you want; minimize expenses! You will NEVER feel rushed; your concerns will be addressed. You will feel comfortable knowing you are in caring hands!


Your first visit and preventive exams will usually include a professional cleaning done by Dr. London. Plaque and tartar will be removed using ultrasonic and hand instrumentation, and your teeth polished their whitest!


Decay is gently removed and replaced with a composite (non-grey, non-mercury) material bonded into place for maximum strength, function, natural esthetics and longevity. Chipped and broken teeth; excessively worn (aged) teeth; misshaped and malpositioned teeth, are often repaired using this composite material.


A crown (or cap) is a custom fitted porcelain covering over a more damaged, excessively decayed, or non –attractive tooth with, or without an old poor filling. It may even replace one or more missing teeth as part of a fixed bridge. Once cemented the crown (s) will strengthen the teeth, allow normal function & improve your smile.

A veneer of porcelain or composite covers only the front surface. It requires sufficiently healthy natural tooth structure to support it, and a normal functional bite.


The loss of one or more teeth can be very traumatic! Today, there is no need to be self-conscious about your appearance or miss eating your favorite foods; there's no need to worry about future bone loss if you act quickly. The permanent solution may be the dental implant. Surgically placed, by trained experts; the implant integrated with your bone to provide the ‘’root’’ to restore/replace your esthetic appearance with crown(s) that feel, and function like natural teeth.

... AND MORE ...

We are pleased to assist you in preserving your natural teeth for as long as possible… to keep you smiling!

From homecare advice (brush & floss), to choosing the right oral health appliance we are here for you!

Sealants to help prevent decay. Whitening to brighten a faded discolored smile. We treat T.M.J. pain that can interfere with chewing, break down teeth, and disrupt your sleep. Sometimes, a tooth (teeth) cannot be saved; replacement options to fit every budget exist today!

Perfect Smile
Services: Opening Hours
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